
How to calculate and improve your employee attrition rate

TestGorilla staff

It’s easy to assume that your biggest challenge as an employer is finding skilled employees who add to your company culture until you find yourself losing employees and profitability takes a hit.

Then, it doesn’t matter how well you think your candidates match the roles you hire them for. Something is driving employees away and keeping their roles empty after they leave.

Learning to calculate attrition rate and analyze the results gives you valuable insight into why employees leave your organization, empowering you to create more effective retention initiatives.

In this guide, we walk you through the difference between attrition rate vs turnover rate, calculating the attrition rate for your business, and the employee retention strategies and trends that can fix the negative impact of employee attrition. 

What is attrition rate?

Your employee attrition rate – sometimes also called churn rate – refers to the percentage of employees who leave your company and whom you either do not or cannot replace immediately. 

That last part is the important bit, which we cover in more depth below.

There are many different types of attrition, including:

  • Voluntary attrition, for example, when an employee resigns for personal reasons

  • Involuntary attrition, for instance, when you lay workers off 

  • Demographic-specific attrition when employees of a certain demographic, such as one ethnicity or age group, quit or retire and are not replaced 

Knowing the types of employee attrition that drive up your employee attrition rate is important so you can determine which employee retention trends and strategies to use to combat it.

Employee attrition rate vs. employee turnover rate

The employee attrition rate is closely related to the employee turnover rate

Staff turnover refers to employee departures and replacements, including both voluntary turnover – like someone quitting – and involuntary separations.

Some sources say that attrition refers to voluntary and involuntary separations, whereas turnover only refers to resignations, which isn’t true. The difference between attrition vs turnover is slightly different.

“Attrition” refers to separations where you don’t immediately replace individuals, whether because you cannot find a replacement or choose not to. 

Here are some reasons that could happen. 

Why you do not replace employees

Why you cannot replace employees

- You’re intentionally shrinking a team or department 

- You prioritize hiring in other departments or skill areas 

- You distribute departed employees’ responsibilities among other team members 

- Redundancies or financing issues mean you can’t afford to 

- There is a shortage of a particular skill in the market 

- You lose top candidates to competitors with more attractive compensation and benefits 

- You lack HR resources for hiring

If you think of turnover as a revolving door, with new employees entering as the old ones leave, attrition is an “exit only” doorway.

Some organizations measure attrition as a subcategory of turnover. It makes sense – any separation can become attrition if the role takes a long time to fill – however, in the interests of clarity, we refer to them as separate phenomena throughout this blog.

Employee attrition rate vs. employee retention rate

Your employee retention rate measures the percentage of employees who stay in their roles.

It is the percentage left over after you calculate turnover and attrition. For example, 12% turnover and 3% attrition means you retain the remaining 85% of employees. 

Why should you calculate your employee attrition rate?

Understanding how many employees you have lost in a given period and why can give you insight into your organization’s performance and management.

Let’s go back to that key distinction: whether you leave a role unfilled or try but fail to find a replacement.

Losing employees you cannot afford to replace is often a symptom of existing performance issues. 

Finance-motivated redundancy is one example. A lack of revenue means you can’t maintain your current workforce and, therefore, cannot hire replacements for laid-off workers, leading to a high employee attrition rate.

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Struggling to replace employees can also indicate other issues in your workforce, such as:

  1. A weak employer brand if you cannot attract and win over top talent 

  2. Issues with your compensation and benefits package that discourage candidates from joining and employees from staying

  3. Understaffing

Choosing not to replace employees is not always a problem, but a high rate of this kind of attrition can cause problems down the line. For instance, it could lead you to overstretch your current workforce and cause burnout.

Leaving positions open could drive up turnover and attrition rates in the long run. Burnt-out employees are more than three times more likely to look for a new job.

Losing valuable employees contributes to productivity and revenue loss, not to mention the loss of institutional knowledge. Experts say that up to 42% of valuable company knowledge is unique to each employee.

How to calculate employee attrition rate

Here’s the attrition rate formula:

Employee attrition rate in a given period = number of people who leave during this period and aren’t replaced / number of workers at the beginning of the period × 100

Let’s do a step-by-step calculation.

1. Decide the period to examine

First, decide which period to look at. Most roles, especially more senior or niche ones, cannot be filled instantly. It’s best to look at attrition over a longer period, such as a few months or a year, to give your team a chance to fill them.

2. Gather data for the start of that period

Count the number of workers who received a payroll payment but did not start employment to ensure you exclude new hires from your calculations.

It’s important to exclude new hires from this equation. Just because you hire someone new, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are replacing someone. They could be entering a new role in a team or another department, and counting them could disguise attrition elsewhere.

For example, you have high attrition in your customer service team, but unless you remove new hires from your all-company employee attrition rate calculations, growth in your sales team could hide it.

3. Count departing employees whose roles remain unfilled at the end of the period

Count the number of workers who are not going to receive a payroll payment in the next period to include employees whose separations occur during the given time frame.

Then, count the number of these roles that remain unfilled at the end of the period or the number of roles that have experienced attrition.

You can divide this number by the number of original employees and multiply by 100 to get your company’s attrition rate.

How to calculate employee attrition rate: Examples

Let’s look at some examples using our attrition rate calculator.

Attrition rate example 1

You have 400 employees. In a particular period of time, say one year, 20 quit, and you fire two and lay off 50. You also hire 30 new people.

You intentionally didn’t replace the 50 redundant workers. Of the 20 who quit, you replaced 10. You also replaced the two who you terminated. The remaining 18 new hires account for business growth in other areas.

The attrition rate formula becomes 60 / 400 × 100 = an attrition rate of 15%.

Attrition rate example 2

Your organization has 250 employees. In six months, 20 people quit, and you fire three. There are zero layoffs. You hire 19 people.

You replace all three of the fired employees and 16 of the people who resigned. That leaves just four unfilled roles at the end of six months.

That makes the equation: 4 / 250 × 100 = 1.6% employee attrition rate.

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What is a good attrition rate?

It is difficult to find standard figures or averages for attrition across industries and regions, partly because of disagreements about the meaning of attrition rate.

It is also difficult because calculating the attrition rate, as we’ve seen, is a more in-depth process specific to each industry and company than just looking at the average number of employees leaving a role.

Hospitality, for example, has a high attrition rate naturally because seasonal workers come and go without being replaced for many months. It’s not bad for these companies and proves that fluctuating attrition is part of a healthy life cycle for many organizations.

However, many sources agree that a good annual attrition rate is 10% or less for most organizations.

This number makes sense because you don’t want attrition to consistently outstrip growth. You also want your employee attrition rate to be lower than your turnover rate, and this suggested attrition rate is lower than the average turnover rate in the US, which is 17%.[1]

How to analyze your employee attrition rate

Knowing your employee attrition rate is only the start of fixing a high attrition rate. The other half is analyzing it and drawing insights. 

how to analyze your employee attrition rate featured image

Here are the four key questions you should ask when looking at your attrition rate.

1. Who is leaving your organization?

First, look at which human resources are leaving, and you’re not replacing. 

Do they belong to a certain team, location, or demographic? For example, do you struggle to maintain gender parity in your workforce?

Note here that we don’t just mean “like for like” replacement; in other words, we don’t refer to a woman in a marketing role replacing another woman. 

When it comes to analyzing demographic trends, take a broader view. Do you bring women employees into the business as quickly as you lose them?

2. When are they leaving?

Look at when employee attrition rates spike in your organization, which is where regular reporting comes in handy. 

Has a spike occurred after a big change in your management, or perhaps after a round of layoffs? As discussed below, a high attrition rate can be self-sufficient. 

When looking at shorter periods, look for seasonal spikes in attrition.

3. Why are they leaving – and why aren’t you replacing them?

Departing employees whose roles contribute to a high attrition rate can leave for many of the same reasons as the employees you do replace – for example, retirement.

Look at their reasons for leaving within the context of why you’re not replacing them. 

If someone leaves to seek better compensation elsewhere and you aren’t able to replace them because your salary offer doesn’t entice candidates, your compensation package is likely the issue.

4. What is the trend in your employee attrition rate?

Take a broader view of your rate of attrition. Is it consistent over time and matched by growth? Or has it accelerated in recent years and outpaced growth? 

If the latter, it could pose an existential threat to your organization, and you need to act fast.

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How to improve your attrition rate: 37 methods to stop your workforce shrinking

Now that you know how to make attrition rate calculations for your business, it’s time to take steps toward a low attrition rate. 

Here are 37 methods you can try.

37 tips to improve your attrition rate: Summary

We’ve seen that a high intentional attrition rate (when a company chooses not to replace workers) can be driven by poor performance and inflict stress on the remaining workers. 

We’ve also discussed how unintentional attrition (when you try and fail to fill roles) is often caused by a poor employer brand or an uninviting employment package.

With these root causes in mind, we’ve organized our tips into six different categories to address different strategies for fixing a high attrition rate:

Targeting growth in the right areas of your workforce

  • Use skills-based hiring to hire the right people

  • Input skills data into an internal talent marketplace 

  • Identify areas for upskilling

  • Create professional development plans to meet skills needs

  • Give employees a budget for training 

Maximizing employee engagement

  • Create a strategy for managing employee engagement

  • Be proactive about the onboarding process 

  • Ensure all employees are competitively compensated 

  • Incentivize employees with recognition programs 

  • Offer a strong employee benefits program

  • Prevent burnout by prioritizing employee work life balance 

  • Test out flexible working

  • Include provisions for employees’ mental health 

  • Draw up a clear remote work policy 

Accessing the benefits of a diverse workforce

  • Maintain an inclusive culture 

  • Create affinity groups for diverse employees 

  • Ensure you provide for generational diversity 

  • Offer diversity training to all managers 

Keeping skilled employees in-house

  • Create a plan to boost internal mobility 

  • Offer many avenues for career growth 

  • Identify candidates for reskilling 

  • Coach employees through the transition into new roles 

  • Offer job rotation programs for redeployment candidates 

Spotting attrition risks

  • Create a holistic system for employee feedback

  • Include a plan for upward feedback 

  • Use a range of employee listening tools

  • Institute a culture of one on one meetings

  • Employ HR analytics to monitor other key metrics 

  • Compare the data to identify employee flight risks 

Managing necessary attrition

  • Communicate clearly, concisely, and proactively with employees 

  • Appoint a chief experience officer to your senior leadership team 

  • Pay extra attention to employee wellbeing 

  • Consider the impact on your corporate reputation 

  • Conduct exit surveys with departing employees 

  • Hold stay interviews with remaining employees 

  • Strengthen working relationships in teams 

  • Offer phased retirement for older employees 

1. Use skills-based hiring to hire the right people

To maximize your workforce’s effectiveness and prevent issues like redundancy from driving up your employee attrition rate, you need to hire the right people.

A skills-based hiring approach can help you do this. 

According to our State of Skills-Based Hiring Report 2024, 90% of employers reduced mis-hires after switching to skills testing, with 20% more than halving their mis-hires.

2. Input skills data into an internal talent marketplace 

To harness this rich resource of employee skills data, input it into an internal talent marketplace.

This software or simple spreadsheet gives you an overview of the skills in your workforce. At its most sophisticated, internal talent marketplace software enables employees to shop for internal opportunities through a dedicated portal.

For best results, assess current employees’ skills and add them to the database, noting which skills appear in high-performing teams and prioritizing these in hiring.

3. Identify areas for upskilling

With this overview of your skills resources, do a preliminary skills gap analysis to determine which key skills are missing in your workforce.

With this information, identify candidates for upskilling – in other words, employees who need support to strengthen their existing skill sets.

You could be surprised by how many there are. 

Nearly 60% of the workforce needs new skills to do their jobs effectively.

4. Create professional development plans to meet skills needs

Draw up professional development plans to support employees’ skills development and your workforce planning, designing their skills development to meet your imminent needs. 

For instance, you can plan a junior marketer’s training to meet the needs of an upcoming social media project. 

Effective upskilling programs work wonders. 

More than 90% of employers who use them see: 

  • Increased productivity

  • Improved recruitment and retention 

  • More resilience among workers[2]

5. Give employees a budget for training 

The number one reason people leave their jobs is a lack of learning and development opportunities.[3]

Reduce the likelihood of this driving up your rate of attrition by giving each employee their budget for employee training programs.

At TestGorilla, each employee receives 3% of their annual salary to spend on skills training. 

They just need to get a sign-off from their manager.

6. Create a strategy for managing employee engagement

When limiting the likelihood of layoffs, it pays to prioritize employee engagement

Companies that score in the top quartile for employee engagement are 23% more profitable than those in the bottom quartile.

Engagement can also help to reduce the number of employees quitting and improve the work environment. Low-engagement teams’ turnover rates can be up to 43% higher than their engaged counterparts.[4]

Create a dedicated strategy for managing engagement, incorporating the tips below.

7. Be proactive about the onboarding process 

It’s never too soon to start engaging employees. The best time is during the onboarding process.

Delivering a highly effective onboarding experience increases employees’ likelihood of being committed to your organization 18 times over.[5]

Use insights from employees’ skills tests to tailor their early training. For example, if an employee is extroverted, you can conduct most of their training face-to-face.

Poor onboarding risks driving people away pie chart

8. Ensure all employees are competitively compensated 

We all know that employee compensation is an important factor when motivating employees. Most employees disengage or even quit if they feel they are underpaid.

Research shows that employee satisfaction with pay increases productivity and motivation (though pay is not the only factor.)[6]

As mentioned above, a competitive compensation package also makes filling roles easier, preventing employee attrition.

9. Incentivize employees with recognition programs 

Another way to boost engagement is with employee recognition programs. Providing multiple ways for employees to receive recognition keeps them invested in their roles, leading to better performance and increased retention.

Examples of employee recognition programs include: 

  • A Slack channel dedicated to employee shout-outs 

  • Letting employees nominate colleagues for spot bonuses 

  • Employee of the month programs 

10. Offer a strong employee benefits program

Compensation and recognition aren’t everything, of course, and many people choose – and stay in – their jobs because of employee benefits

Some bedrock employee benefits include:

  • Healthcare 

  • Parental leave 

  • Paid time off 

You should also consider non-traditional benefits to help you stand out, such as: 

  1. Gym or healthy meal box subscriptions to promote a healthy lifestyle

  2. Onsite childcare 

  3. Green commute incentives 

11. Prevent burnout by prioritizing employee work life balance 

A good benefits package includes attention to employee work life balance.

You should give employees guidelines for balancing their work alongside their other commitments. 

For example, you should instruct them not to send or reply emails after work hours. Most importantly, you should ask leaders to role model these behaviors to prove you’re serious about them.

12. Test out flexible working

A powerful benefit to offer your employees is flexible work, which is great for employee work life balance because it puts workers in charge of their schedules. 

It enables them to manage work alongside other commitments such as caregiving, a social life, or long-term health issues. 

It’s no surprise that flexible work increases retention, reducing opportunities for attrition. 

Nearly three-quarters of office workers would take long-term flexibility over extra money.

13. Include provisions for employees’ mental health 

Design policies to specifically address mental health in the workplace

If employees leave owing to stress, and especially if you gain a reputation as a stressful workplace, you may always have a high attrition rate because employees keep leaving and warn others not to work for you long-term.

Include mental health support like counseling in your healthcare plan and implement policy changes such as designated meeting-free days.

14. Draw up a clear remote work policy 

 A remote work policy is a must-have for employers eager to embrace flexible working. 

It should outline: 

  1. The hours remote workers must be online 

  2. Where they can work from and for how long (it could affect your taxes if employees work for longer than a month abroad)

  3. The equipment they need, and what you provide 

15. Maintain an inclusive culture 

Diversity is an asset when preventing the issues that lead to downsizing. 

According to research by McKinsey, the relationship between diversity on executive teams and the likelihood of financial outperformance has strengthened over time.

However, you are likely to experience a high attrition rate in marginalized demographics unless you accompany diverse hiring with an inclusive culture. Here are some ideas for how to do that.

16. Create affinity groups for diverse employees 

Particularly for larger organizations where employees could get lost in the shuffle, creating safe spaces for marginalized employees to meet and seek support is essential to maintaining diversity in the workplace

These could be for: 

  • People of color 

  • LGBTQ+ employees

  • Veterans

Employees of other identities can join to support their colleagues and learn about allyship. 

Bain & Company is an example of an organization with affinity groups like these in place.

17. Ensure you provide for generational diversity 

One type of diversity many employers forget to support – particularly in highly digitized fields – is generational diversity.

However, generationally diverse teams bring various perspectives and life experiences that can lead to better problem-solving and creativity.

To support generational diversity, ensure your benefits programs have provisions for workers of all ages. For instance, you should provide menopause support as part of your healthcare package.

18. Offer diversity training to all managers 

Another way to ensure that diverse employees thrive at your organization long-term is by providing diversity training to all managers. 

Training managers to proactively identify and deal with microaggressions and other issues in the workplace takes the onus of diverse employees to advocate for themselves and lets them know that management has their back.

19. Create a plan to boost internal mobility 

If there are dead-end roles in your organization where development is unclear or downright unlikely, these are at risk of high attrition rates.

By contrast, employees who move around internally are three times more likely to be engaged than their colleagues who stay in the same role.[7]

To fix this, promote internal mobility in your organization by using your internal talent marketplace to spot candidates for promotions and hiring.

20. Offer many avenues for career growth 

It can sound counterintuitive, but discussing with employees that their career growth could take them outside of your organization is a good idea. 

It shows that they can be honest with you about their intentions, making them more likely to tell you if they want to switch careers and enabling you to see if you can accommodate their career change in-house or plan a handover. 

21. Identify candidates for reskilling 

Reskilling employees helps you conserve institutional knowledge even if employees’ skills have become outmoded.

It’s also increasingly necessary, with employers predicting that around 40% of their workforce will require reskilling soon.[8]

Use your internal talent marketplace to identify candidates with adjacent skills they could transfer to more valuable positions.

This way, even in intentional attrition, you don’t lose important knowledge or well-loved characters in your company.

22. Coach employees through the transition into new roles 

As well as skills training, transitioning into a new role requires a mindset shift and often a lot of support. Provide this to employees by offering employee coaching

Similarly to mentoring, employee coaching brings in a senior employee to support a junior employee’s career development. 

The key difference is that it’s more goal-specific and less focused on drawing insight from the coach’s career.

23. Offer job rotation programs for redeployment candidates 

You don’t have to be prescriptive about where you redeploy reskilled employees. 

You can give them more of a choice by offering job rotation programs.

If you’re considering a round of layoffs, you could offer the affected employees the chance to “rotate” between different alternative functions to see if they have the skills required and would be willing to be redeployed there.

24. Create a holistic system for employee feedback

In turnover, “spotting risks” mainly means spotting employees who want to leave. 

Spotting attrition risks is broader, looking at trends in employee experience that could lead to individual separations and a higher rate of attrition.

The answer to both issues is a holistic system for employee feedback. Here are some ideas.

25. Include a plan for upward feedback 

Part of your employee feedback plan should be a plan for upward feedback, which refers to employees being able to voice their concerns and comments to management, including senior leaders.

One way to incorporate this is through reverse mentoring, which pairs junior employees with senior managers to provide feedback on their leadership style.

26. Use a range of employee listening tools

The key to executing a strong employee feedback plan is using many employee listening tools.

These tools – such as a survey or feedback portal – collect employee feedback. You should use a range to address different feedback types:

Type of employee feedback 

Employee listening tool

Spontaneous or day-to-day

An “always on” feedback portal 

Medium-term, reflecting on a specific change or a short period

Regular surveys 

Longer-term, reflecting on broader changes or overall strategies

Yearly reviews and all-company surveys

More than 60% of HR leaders say always-on feedback tools are essential to their engagement listening programs.

27. Institute a culture of one on one meetings

Another way to incorporate employee feedback into an inclusive company culture is through a culture of one on one meetings.

It ensures that all employees feel heard and managers do not become disconnected from their teams’ needs.

The key is creating a policy ensuring management acts on the feedback employees raise in one-on-one meetings.

28. Employ HR analytics to monitor other key metrics 

Employee feedback is not your only way of monitoring employee engagement or the risk factors that lead to attrition. 

You can also use HR analytics to do quick “temperature checks” of your workforce.

For example, you can use HR analytics to see which employees’ engagement with training and development has tailed off, suggesting a dip in engagement.

29. Compare the data to identify employee flight risks 

Collate these different insights – from employee feedback and HR analytics – to assess whether any teams or individuals pose a particular employee flight risk.

For example, if you have determined that one team has a high attrition rate and notice that the employees in an adjacent team have raised many of the same concerns in their feedback, this could be a concern.

30. Communicate clearly, concisely, and proactively with employees 

You cannot always avoid attrition, even if your business is successful. Some skills or teams may become obsolete over time, leading to redundancies.

Strong leadership communication is vital in these cases to prevent the issue from spilling over into unwanted attrition.

Research has shown that the key mistakes to avoid when managing layoffs are:

  • Announcing that layoffs are coming, but not who is at most risk

  • Laying people off one at a time over many months 

  • Conversely, laying off large groups of workers at once and leaving other teams to wonder if they’re next

  • Letting rumors circulate without confirming or denying any details – or worse, denying rumors and letting people go anyway

31. Appoint a chief experience officer to your senior leadership team 

If you have a long-standing or accelerating issue with your employee attrition rate, hire an employee experience expert for your senior leadership team.

This person would be in charge of: 

  • Engagement initiatives 

  • Overhauling compensation and benefits 

  • Communicating with employees about hiring and layoffs 

32. Pay extra attention to employee wellbeing 

During periods where attrition is high, employee wellbeing can dip considerably.

We’ve already discussed the extra strain a high attrition rate can put on remaining employees, who are left with more responsibilities and dealing with losing their colleagues.

Invest more in employee wellbeing in periods of high employee attrition – for example, by offering free counseling or stress management support for remaining employees.

33. Consider the impact on your corporate reputation 

How you manage layoffs, in particular, greatly impacts your corporate reputation and whether you experience a high employee attrition rate in other roles.

Offering outplacement support can counteract this. 

Four out of five Americans say that receiving outplacement support reduces the chances of them badmouthing their employer after layoffs, and the same research showed that it improved the perception of the company’s employer brand.[9]

34. Conduct exit surveys with departing employees 

When any employee leaves, but perhaps especially when they leave a role you expect to be challenging to fill, you should always conduct an exit survey or interview.

Exit interviews let you find out which factors drove their decision to leave and compare these with other employees’ feedback to see if there’s a trend.

35. Hold stay interviews with remaining employees 

Naturally, employers expect feedback about attrition from departing employees, but remaining employees are also a goldmine of information. 

Consider conducting stay interviews, particularly targeting high attrition rate teams.

It helps you find out why employees stay in their roles, get a heads up if they are considering leaving, and act fast to improve their situation.

36. Strengthen working relationships in teams 

Nearly three-quarters of employees say their productivity declines after layoffs, and 69% say their company’s product or service declines in quality, too.[10]

This decline puts you at risk of further performance issues and another round of layoffs, not to mention trouble hiring as your reputation slips.

Invest in strengthening the working relationships in your remaining teams around layoffs, for example, with team bonding days and brainstorming sessions.

37. Offer phased retirement for older employees 

Finally, although you cannot prevent employees from retiring, you can reduce the likelihood that their exit causes a spike in your employee attrition rate by offering phased retirement plans.

This policy eases the transition into retirement for older employees, gives you extra time to hire for tricky roles, and offers your teams a chance to acclimate to life without their colleagues.

Use skills testing to understand your workforce and reduce your employee attrition rate 

In this blog, we’ve discussed: 

  1. The attrition rate definition

  2. How to calculate the attrition rate

  3. What is a good attrition rate?

  4. What calculating attrition rate can tell you about your business

  5. Methods to secure a low attrition rate

Throughout, we’ve shown the importance of understanding your employees’ skills to create a more effective and fulfilled workforce. 

Now it’s over to you.

Learn more about supercharging your employees’ skills in our blog about how skills tests can strengthen your workforce.

For a deep dive into managing necessary attrition, read our guide to laying off employees.

Finally, hire an HR expert to lead these efforts with our HR Management test.


1. “Results of the 2023 US and Canada Turnover Surveys”. (September 21, 2023). Mercer. Retrieved December 08, 2023. https://www.imercer.com/articleinsights/workforce-turnover-trends

2. “Upskilling’s impact on learning, talent retention and talent acquisition”. PwC. Retrieved December 08, 2023. https://proedge.pwc.com/upskilling-and-talent-strategies

3. “2019 Retention Report”. (2019). Work Institute. Retrieved December 08, 2023. https://info.workinstitute.com/hubfs/2019%20Retention%20Report/Work%20Institute%202019%20Retention%20Report%20final-1.pdf

4. “The Benefits of Employee Engagement”. (January 7, 2023). Gallup. Retrieved December 08, 2023. https://www.gallup.com/workplace/236927/employee-engagement-drives-growth.aspx  

5. “The Incredible Impact of Effective Onboarding [Infographic]”. (May 3, 2018). Bamboo HR. Retrieved December 08, 2023. https://www.bamboohr.com/blog/effective-onboarding-infographic

6. “How Can Salary Influence a Worker's Performance in an Administration?”. (July 14, 2020). Chron. Retrieved December 08, 2023. https://work.chron.com/can-salary-influence-workers-performance-administration-25950.html  

7. “Skill Building in the New World of Work”. (2021). LinkedIn Learning. Retrieved December 08, 2023. https://learning.linkedin.com/content/dam/me/business/en-us/amp/learning-solutions/images/wlr21/pdf/LinkedIn-Learning_Workplace-Learning-Report-2021-EN-1.pdf

8. “The Future of Jobs Report 2020”. (October 2020). World Economic Forum. Retrieved December 08, 2023. https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Future_of_Jobs_2020.pdf

9. “5 Surprising Stats on the State of Post-layoff Support, Outplacement, and the American Workforce”. Intoo. Retrieved December 08, 2023. https://www.intoo.com/us/blog/stats-post-layoff-support-outplacement-american-workforce/

10. “Don't Expect Layoff Survivors To Be Grateful (Survivor’s Guilt After A Downsizing)”. Leadership IQ. Retrieved December 08, 2023. https://www.leadershipiq.com/blogs/leadershipiq/29062401-dont-expect-layoff-survivors-to-be-grateful 

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