
Enneagram test type 2: Traits, strengths & potential careers

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The Enneagram test is one of the most comprehensive personality tests available. It can help you understand how employees see the world and what they need to succeed at work. By learning more about your candidates’ personality types, you can ensure they’ll be a good fit for your team and the role.

Individuals with Enneagram Type Two personalities tend to be supportive and generous. However, they can also be sensitive to criticism and prone to burn-out. Knowing how to manage Type Twos properly will help ensure they stay happy, motivated, and productive in their new role.

In this blog, we’ll explore the traits, strengths and weaknesses of Type Twos, as well as the roles they’re best suited for. Read on to learn more about what makes this generous and friendly group tick and how you can best support them in your team.

What is Enneagram Type 2?

Type Two personalities are known as ‘The Giver’ and tend to be friendly, sentimental, and empathic. These traits make Type Two personalities great workplace mentors and coaches. They are skilled at building close connections and lifting up those around them.

However, in their desire to support and help others, they can sometimes forget to take care of themselves. Managers should encourage Type Two personalities to prioritize their own needs, set boundaries, and take personal time. This will help you get the most out of these employees. 

Type 2 wings

Enneagram wings describe the two enneagram types adjacent to any other. For example, Type Two has Type One and Type Three as its wings. Individuals can lean more towards one combination or another, and the traits of the wing flavor and influence their behaviors. 

Those who lean towards Type One are known as 2w1; those who lean towards Type Three are known as 2w3.

Enneatype 2w1

Type Ones, known as ‘The Improver’, are rational and principled. The mix between Type Two and Type One (2w1) is known as “the Servant.” They are altruistic, self-critical, and supportive. 

2w1’s need to feel accepted and needed by their peers and enjoy working with others. In the workplace, they work best as part of a team or when working toward a project. They gain energy from solving problems and accomplishing goals.

Be sure to give lots of positive feedback on their accomplishments to help them stay motivated and engaged.

Enneatype 2w3 

On the other side of Type Two, you find the 2w3 wing, known as “The Hostess.” Type Threes are known as “The Go-Getter.” They are enthusiastic, motivated, and productive, with a love of recognition.

Combined with Type One, you get individuals who are ambitious, sociable, and enjoy building deep connections.

In the workplace, you may find that these types need to feel like they’re making a difference and solving problems. Try putting them in charge of a project or involving them in organizing and leading teams. This will speak to their natural skills and help them feel motivated and energized. 

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Personality traits of Enneagram Type 2

Type Two personalities are known to be:

  • Generous

  • Warm

  • Persistent 

  • Loving

  • People-pleasing

  • Sensitive to criticism

  • Attentive

  • Possessive

Their most basic desire is to be accepted by their peers, and they fear not being valued amongst their team.  Type Two personalities need to feel that they are contributing towards their team’s goals and supporting others to feel motivated in the workplace. 

Strengths and drawbacks of Enneagram Type 2

Enneagram Type Two personalities have many positive qualities and personal strengths. These include:

  • Easily understanding the feelings and needs of others;

  • A positive attitude;

  • A warm and friendly personality;

  • Dedication to see a task through to the end;

  • Confidence to encourage and support those around them; and

  • A desire to get to know new people

These skills make them natural caregivers in both personal and professional settings.

However, due to their natural empathy and sensitivity, they may experience the following limitations as a result of their personality:

  • They may need approval and guidance from their peers.

  • They may ignore their own needs in favor of serving others.

  • They might be easily offended by feedback or criticisms.

  • They might be seen as overpowering or overbearing.

strengths and drawbacks of enneagram type 2 the giver explanation graphic

Best roles for Enneagram Type 2

Type Two individuals do best when working as part of a team and are especially well-suited to service oriented roles. They thrive in roles where they can support people with their professional or personal problems. These include:

  • Non-profit and other project management where Type Two personalities can feel like they’re making a difference.

  • Nurturing careers such as teachers, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. – like health services managers.

  • Careers where they can use their natural diplomacy, such as customer service representatives or human resources managers.

  • Careers where they can support people through personal problems, such as counselors, physiologists, or life coaches. 

Beyond these specific careers, you can direct Type Two employees towards situations where they can use their naturally supportive and attentive skills to support their colleagues. This could be as a mentor to new colleagues, workers who need additional support, or as an empathic team leader. 

In addition, Type Twos are likely to excel when they need to see a project all the way through to the end. They could make great project managers or scrum masters. 

How to support Type 2’s in the workplace

Type Two is motivated by helping others achieve their goals, befriending new people, and serving those in need.

As a result, pushing them towards opportunities where they are exposed to these tasks will engage them with their work. Be sure to also:

Appreciate their hard work

While it is important to recognize all employee contributions, you should make an extra effort to acknowledge those of Type Two personalities. These employees gain energy from the encouragement of their managers. Noticing the extra effort they’ve put into a project and telling them how much you appreciate it will help keep them engaged. They’re sure to take the same care and attention going forward.

Problem solve face-to-face

Developmental feedback and support can be misinterpreted when delivered via email or instant messaging. More sensitive personality types, such as Enneatype Two, respond best to face-to-face and, when possible, in-person meetings, where there’s less opportunity for misinterpretation.

Be kind and encouraging in communications

Type Two individuals are more likely to take blunt communication personally, which may destabilize them emotionally and reduce productivity. As a result, it’s important to be kind and encouraging when communicating with these employees. 

Be sure to sandwich your feedback. This means starting with a positive message or compliment, then delivering developmental feedback before finishing with a final word of praise or encouragement. This can help soften the feedback and make the employee more receptive to change.

Remind them to attend to their personal needs

Type Two personalities are guilty of being so busy supporting others that they forget to attend to their own needs! This can lead to stress and burnout. Remind these employees that self-care is important and to draw healthy boundaries when supporting employees or friends with their issues. The result will be highly motivated, productive Type Two employees. 

Address conflicts early

Type Two personalities tend to be sensitive and people-pleasing. This means they can get caught up in workplace disagreements without meaning to. They are also more likely to reflect on disagreements for longer than they probably should. 

Addressing conflicts early can prevent this. Allowing a situation to fester will only cause this employee more distress, so nip any issues in the bud before they develop into something more serious. Employing this management tactic will benefit both Type Two personalities and other employees. Addressing conflicts early builds a culture of trust, honesty, and will improve workplace relationships. 

Place them in a social and positive team

Type Two personalities thrive in caring and social teams. They need to be surrounded by a team that will give them as much support as they give others. To get the best out of your Type Two employees, put them in a lively and friendly team where they can be their warm, natural selves.

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How to determine a candidate’s Enneagram type?

The easiest way to determine a candidate or employee’s enneatype is to have them take an Enneagram personality test. This test highlights the employee’s core beliefs, worldview, and how they may react to different scenarios. Through these answers, the test will determine where they sit on the 9-point Enneagram model.

These tests can help you understand what makes your employee tick and how they manage their emotions. It is a self-assessment style test where employees choose between two scenarios, indicating which they most identify with. 

For example, “I care what others think of me” versus “I am unbothered by the opinions of others.” Test-takers are encouraged not to overthink their answers and instead to select their immediate response or “gut feeling.” 

The test can be completed from anywhere using a mobile device and takes around 10 minutes to complete. 

To ensure accuracy, all TestGorilla’s pre-employment tests are developed by a team of psychometricians, copywriters, and subject matter experts. What’s more, TestGorilla offers a free guide to interpreting candidates’ test results. 


Understanding how to get the best out of your Type Two employees will help you build happy, high-performing teams. 

Type Two employees are friendly, sentimental, and empathic. They are the perfect choice for mentoring and coaching positions in your business. However, they may struggle with blunt communication styles and can sometimes overlook their personal needs in favor of supporting others. 

To support Type Two employees in the workplace, engage them in face-to-face conversations, be kind and encouraging in all digital communications, and place them in a team where they’ll be supported and cared for. In return, you’ll get a loyal, caring, and attentive employee who’s a great collaborator. 

To better understand all your candidates’ and employees’ personalities, access Test Gorilla's in-depth Enneagram test. Sign up for your free plan today and watch your people management skills skyrocket.

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