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What jobs require numerical reasoning? (And how to improve it)


Numerical reasoning skills encompass the ability to logically process, analyze, and interpret numerical data, patterns, and trends. The absence of strong numerical reasoning skills in your team can lead to data misinterpretation in financial forecasts, or missed opportunities from incorrect market analysis.

Companies often overlook the necessity of assessing job candidates for numerical reasoning skills, especially in positions where the connection to numbers isn't overt. 

This article discusses the varied roles that require numerical reasoning and provides actionable insights for identifying and nurturing this essential skill set, ensuring your hiring practices align with the demands of today's market.

Why is numerical reasoning important in the workplace?

Numerical reasoning goes beyond basic arithmetic; it encompasses the ability to analyze data, recognize patterns, and make informed decisions based on quantitative information. In a world where data underpins strategic moves, candidates who excel in numerical reasoning can be the linchpin to your company's success.

Whether it's to forecast market trends, optimize operational efficiency, or manage financial health, numerical reasoning is the backbone of many critical business functions. For instance, roles in finance, data analysis, and strategic planning inherently demand high numerical proficiency. 

Additionally, positions requiring risk assessment, budgeting, and performance metrics analysis also necessitate strong numerical reasoning.

Hiring a candidate with solid numerical reasoning can mean the difference between a strategy that's hit or miss and one that's data-driven and precise. Your team must be able to interpret numbers in a way that adds value and insight across various business departments.

What jobs require numerical reasoning skills?

When should you give candidates a numerical reasoning test?

Virtually all positions require some level of numerical reasoning, but these skills are particularly important in some roles.

Financial and accounting roles

In the heart of financial operations, numerical reasoning is non-negotiable. 

Accountants, auditors, and financial analysts rely on numerical data to create accurate financial reports, conduct audits, and make fiscal decisions that can determine your company's trajectory. They interpret complex datasets, forecast financial outcomes, and ensure compliance with financial regulations. 

Missing the mark in numerical skills within these roles can lead to severe financial discrepancies and legal ramifications.

Data science and analytics

The burgeoning field of data science is built on a foundation of numerical reasoning. Data scientists and analysts turn raw data into actionable insights, using statistical models and machine learning algorithms. These professionals must discern patterns, predict trends, and communicate their findings effectively to inform strategic decisions. 

Inaccurate data interpretation can mislead business strategies, making robust numerical reasoning essential in these roles.

Market research and marketing

Market research analysts and marketing strategists apply numerical reasoning to understand consumer behavior, measure campaign effectiveness, and identify market opportunities. They analyze sales data, customer feedback, and market trends to guide product development and marketing strategies. 

Without strong numerical reasoning skills, marketing efforts may lack the precision to target the right audiences and optimize ROI.

Operations and management analysis

Operational efficiency hinges on the ability to analyze and optimize processes. Operations research analysts and management analysts use numerical reasoning to dissect workflow processes, supply chain logistics, and resource allocation. They develop data-driven solutions to enhance productivity and reduce costs. 

Lacking numerical reasoning in these roles can lead to inefficient operations and diminished profitability.

Engineering and technology

Engineers and technology professionals use numerical reasoning to solve complex problems and innovate. From software engineers to civil engineers, numerical skills are vital for designing systems, structures, and technologies that are safe, efficient, and effective. 

An engineer with poor numerical reasoning could result in flawed designs, risking safety and functionality.

Actuarial science and risk management

Actuaries specialize in assessing financial risks using mathematics, statistics, and financial theory. Their numerical reasoning skills allow them to forecast probabilities and financial impacts of uncertain future events. 

Inaccuracies in their calculations can have significant consequences for insurance companies and pension funds, among others.

Healthcare and pharmaceuticals

Numerical reasoning is also essential in healthcare, particularly in roles involving pharmaceutical research and healthcare analysis. Professionals in this line of work must accurately interpret clinical data, manage health statistics, and ensure proper dosage in drug formulations. 

In this field, the stakes are high, as errors can directly affect patient outcomes.

Education and research

In education, particularly in STEM fields, teachers and researchers must have strong numerical reasoning skills to convey complex concepts and conduct research. Educators with poor numerical reasoning may struggle to teach effectively, hindering student success.

Investment and trading

Investment professionals and traders use numerical reasoning to evaluate financial instruments, assess market conditions, and make trading decisions. A lack of numerical skills can lead to poor investment strategies and significant financial losses.

Strategic roles in non-tech fields

Even in non-technical fields such as human resources and project management, numerical reasoning is increasingly important. HR professionals may use it for compensation analysis and workforce planning, while project managers need it for budgeting and performance tracking.

Numerical reasoning is a key skill across various industries and roles. It's integral to making informed decisions, driving efficiency, and fostering innovation. Ignoring the importance of numerical reasoning in these positions can result in significant setbacks, emphasizing the need to prioritize this aptitude in your selection process.

How to improve & develop numerical reasoning skills

Improving your team's numerical reasoning skills is an investment in your organization's analytical capacity and decision-making prowess. As a team manager, you can foster an environment that nurtures these skills through various strategies:

  • Encourage continuous learning: Provide access to workshops, courses, and training programs focusing on data analysis, statistics, and quantitative problem-solving. Promote a culture where ongoing education is valued and recognized.

  • Incorporate numerical challenges: Integrate numerical reasoning exercises into team meetings or as a regular part of your team's workflow. This could include data interpretation challenges, budgeting exercises, or case studies that require quantitative analysis.

  • Use real data: Give your team opportunities to work with actual company data. Encouraging them to analyze sales figures, customer demographics, or operational metrics will not only improve their numerical reasoning but also provide insights that can benefit your business.

  • Promote cross-departmental collaboration: Allow team members to collaborate on projects with colleagues from finance, analytics, or operations. Exposure to different perspectives and numerical challenges can enhance their skills and understanding.

  • Implement mentoring programs: Pair less experienced staff with numerically skilled mentors within the organization. This can help transfer knowledge, provide guidance, and build confidence.

  • Offer constructive feedback: When reviewing work that involves numerical reasoning, provide constructive feedback. Highlight strengths and areas for improvement to help team members develop their skills.

  • Set clear objectives: Define clear, quantifiable goals for projects that require numerical analysis. This helps team members understand the practical application of their numerical reasoning skills and the impact on the organization.

By actively supporting your team's development in numerical reasoning, you contribute to their professional growth and the overall analytical strength of your organization.

How to find & test the best candidates with numerical reasoning skills

Candidates with excellent numerical reasoning skills can be found on industry-specific job boards, particularly those associated with fields such as finance, engineering, and technology. Relevant job boards include eFinancialCareers, Engineering.com, and Dice.

Additionally, searching professional networking platforms like LinkedIn lets you connect with skilled individuals who have demonstrated strong analytical and quantitative backgrounds through their experiences and endorsements.

To ensure you're hiring candidates with the right skills, consider the following steps to effectively assess numerical reasoning:

  • Define the role's numerical demands: Identify the level of numerical reasoning required for the role. For example, determine if the candidate needs to be proficient in data analysis, statistical modeling, or financial forecasting.

  • Use pre-employment testing: Incorporate numerical reasoning assessments into your hiring process. TestGorilla offers a Numerical Reasoning test that can help you objectively evaluate a candidate's numerical aptitude before the interview stage.

  • Test candidates’ numerical reasoning in the interview: Ask structured interview questions that require candidates to demonstrate their numerical skills, such as explaining how they would approach a budgeting problem.

  • Assess real-world problem-solving: Present candidates with real business scenarios that require numerical analysis. This approach evaluates their ability to apply numerical reasoning to applicable situations.

  • Look for a track record of success: Review candidates' past experiences for evidence of successful numerical problem-solving. Relevant certifications or projects can be indicators of their proficiency.

  • Take a multi-measure approach: Combine the Numerical Reasoning test with personality tests to gain a comprehensive view of candidates’ cognitive and personality traits.

  • Customize your assessment: Tailor your assessment to include custom questions that are specific to your company's needs. This will help you understand how the candidate's numerical skills can address your unique business challenges.

Through a meticulous selection process that includes TestGorilla's scientifically validated tests, you can confidently identify candidates who possess the numerical reasoning skills necessary to excel in roles that require precision and analytical thinking.

Use TestGorilla to assess numerical reasoning skills

Building a team with great numerical reasoning skills can help your business reach new heights. To find the best candidates, elevate your hiring process with comprehensive talent assessment tools. 

With TestGorilla, you can confidently evaluate numerical reasoning aptitude using ourscientifically validated Numerical Reasoning test. This ensures your candidates possess the analytical and quantitative skills crucial for success in their roles. Combine it with personality and culture-add tests for a rounded view of each candidate.

Take the next step in optimizing your recruitment strategy by exploring our extensive test library. Start crafting your custom assessments by signing up for a free plan today.


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