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The top 5 alternatives to the Big 5 personality test for the workplace

The top 5 alternatives to the Big 5 personality test for the workplace

October 2, 2024
The top 5 alternatives to the Big 5 personality test for the workplace featured image

Personality tests are great for hiring because they offer deeper insights into candidates’ behaviors, communication styles, and potential to vibe with the company’s culture and teams. 

The Big 5 Personality test helps recruiters understand candidates’ broad traits and strengths, plus how they relate to others. But it may not be the best option for other purposes – like understanding their decision-making processes or job preferences. 

Fear not: There are plenty of other just as effective personality assessments you can use. Below, we break down the top five alternatives to the Big 5.

Key Takeaways

  • Use the DISC test to assess communication styles and behavioral tendencies. It's great for identifying how candidates interact with teams and manage conflict.

  • The 16 Personalities test is perfect for understanding different personality types and their approaches to work and relationships. It's ideal for figuring out potential role alignment and collaboration styles.

  • The Enneagram test helps assess core motivations and emotional responses – excellent for understanding deeper personality drivers and how candidates handle stress and change.

  • Meanwhile, the Culture Add test is ideal for assessing how well a candidate's values and behaviors align with and enhance your company culture. It's useful for ensuring long-term fit and improving workplace diversity.

  • Need to identify what drives a candidate's performance and job satisfaction? Look no further than the Motivation test. It's great for seeing if what you can offer lines up with what your candidates want.

The top 5 alternatives to the Big 5 personality test graphic


How it works 

The DISC test groups individuals based on four main traits – Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness – that reflect how people approach tasks, solve problems, and interact with others in the workplace. 

A DISC questionnaire can consist of anywhere between 20 and 80 questions, and it usually takes around 10-15 minutes to complete. TestGorilla’s DISC test consists of 48 questions and takes 10 minutes to complete.

Each question gives test-takers a statement, and they describe how true it is. For instance, one question might say, “I hesitate to criticize other people’s ideas,” and responses will range from “very accurate” to “very inaccurate.” “Candidates’ responses help identify their primary DISC type.

What it tests for

DISC looks at communication styles, leadership abilities, and ways people behave under pressure. It helps teams understand workplace dynamics and reveals how individuals approach tasks, resolve conflict, and prefer to be managed.

When to use it

Since the results of a DISC test can reveal much about a candidate's communication style and how they work within a team, it's ideal for roles in customer service, sales, and management – where hiring people with strong interpersonal skills and adaptability is crucial. It’s also an excellent fit for hiring for fast-paced or team-oriented environments. 

While it's primarily used during hiring, DISC is also useful for understanding your current employees – for instance, when you must improve cohesion between diverse personalities, resolve workplace tension through understanding, or develop your leaders. 

⭐ To learn more about TestGorilla’s DISC test and add this test to a hiring assessment, check out our DISC test page

2. 16 Personalities

How it works

The 16 Personalities test has a rich heritage built on Jungian psychology. People are sorted into 16 unique personalities based on four key areas: 

  • Extraversion vs. Introversion

  • Sensing vs. Intuition (The “n” is the code for this dichotomy to differentiate it from the first dichotomy)

  • Thinking vs. Feeling

  • Judging vs. Perceiving

Candidates answer a series of multiple-choice questions – usually 60 to 100 – choosing from simple statements or two-choice answers they best resonate with. For example, one question from TestGorilla’s test is, “What positive effect do you have on people?” The two possible answers are “I calm and relax them” and “I energize and motivate them.” TestGorilla’s test takes around 10 minutes to complete. 

Results render a four letter code, such as ESTJ or INFP, which represents one of the 16 different personality types. 

What it tests for 

The 16 Personality Types tests for how people make decisions, solve problems, and communicate with colleagues. It helps identify people’s teamwork preferences, what environments they thrive in, and what types of tasks best suit them. It also may provide some insight into one’s creativity, leadership, and approach to conflict and resolution.

When to use it 

Use the 16 Personalities test when you need a deeper understanding of how candidates’ personality types might impact their work habits, communication, and collaboration style. 

This test is well-suited for hiring in roles that require strong teamwork, like project management, HR, and marketing. It gives you the information you need to ensure candidates thrive in specific work environments. For instance, you can use the results of a 16 personalities assessment to inform new hires’ professional development or build balanced, complementary teams. 

⭐ Learn more and add this test to a hiring assessment by checking out our 16 Personality Types test page

3. Enneagram

How it works 

The Enneagram test – which has origins dating back thousands of years – identifies people as one of nine core personality types, each representing a distinct way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. The questionnaire typically consists of about 30 to 40 statements that candidates rate based on how accurately they describe their feelings or behaviors. 

TestGorilla’s Enneagram test takes around 10 minutes to complete and asks test-takers to select which of two different statements resonates with them most. For example, one question asks them to choose which statement describes themselves: 

  • “I rarely display signs of affection.” 

  • “I’m not afraid to display signs of affection.”

What it tests for 

What the Enneagram test does differently to most other personality tests is dive into core motivations, fears, and emotional triggers. It also offers insight into how people deal with change and conflict – giving businesses a more complete picture of workplace dynamics.

When to use it 

The results of an Enneagram test provide insights into how candidates are likely to respond under pressure, making it a great tool for identifying strong leaders and team players. It’s useful when hiring for roles that require emotional intelligence and adaptability, such as HR and client-facing positions.

It’s also great for building and developing teams, as you can mix and match Enneagram types to balance team dynamics or adapt your coaching and mentoring styles to develop individual members. 

⭐ Visit our Enneagram test page to check out more on this test and add it to an assessment.

4. Culture Add

How it works

Cultural assessments aren’t really personality tests – but they still look at personal traits, which makes them a great Big 5 alternative. 

Culture questionnaires typically include around 20 to 30 statements that candidates rate based on agreement or alignment with the culture described. Responses might range from "not at all aligned" to "strongly aligned." 

Our Culture Add test typically takes about 10 minutes to complete. It works like this: You fill out our custom survey by ranking which values matter most at your workplace and picking the traits that are key for the role you’re hiring for. Applicants then do the same – and you see how your answers stack up. 

What it tests for 

Culture fit tests typically look at how well candidates’ characteristics match those of your work culture. At TestGorilla, we’ve replaced culture fit with culture add. This means our test doesn’t just check on whether people fit within an organization: It sees what they can actively bring to the table – including new perspectives and working styles. 

TestGorilla’s Culture Add test looks at people’s potential to enhance company diversity, inclusivity, and adaptability. It shows how their values and behaviors line up with your company’s – and helps you determine if they can contribute positively to your organizational culture.

When to use it 

The Culture Add test helps ensure long-term retention and employee satisfaction. It's an excellent tool for various hiring scenarios. 

Cultural assessments like ours are particularly useful when hiring for roles in creative industries, startups, or companies that champion innovation and diversity. It’s also great when you’re looking for fresh leaders who share your values and can bring some new oomph to the table.

⭐ Take a peek at our Culture Add test page for more info. You can add the test to an assessment from that page, too!

5. Motivation

How it works 

The Motivation test, quite simply, shows what makes people tick at work. While it isn’t a personality test, it does look at personal traits and job motivation. Based on Hackman and Oldham’s theory of motivation, it looks at key drivers for people’s performance and satisfaction, distinguishing between intrinsic and extrinsic motivators such as:

  • Recognition

  • Autonomy

  • Financial reward

  • Need for achievement

It typically includes 30 to 40 statements that candidates rate based on how motivating they find each factor.

Candidates who take TestGorilla’s Motivation test can complete it in 15 minutes. 

What it tests for 

The Motivation test measures how different factors drive a candidate’s performance, helping businesses understand what keeps them engaged and energized.

It specifically looks at how a candidate’s personal preferences – such as the need for achievement, recognition, autonomy, or financial incentives – line up with what your job or company is offering (from benefits to workplace elements). 

When to use it 

The Motivation test is ideal when you need to understand what drives a candidate’s performance and what incentives will keep them engaged in their role – so, any role

This test is particularly useful in roles where employee motivation directly impacts results – think sales, marketing, or product development. 

By understanding what motivates each candidate, you ensure you're bringing on people who align with what the role needs: be it achievement, recognition, or creativity. 

The Motivation test is critical for high-performance roles, but it’s valuable for all companies wanting to keep workers engaged and satisfied for the long term.

⭐ Head to our Motivation test page to learn more about TestGorilla’s Motivation test and add it to a hiring assessment.

Use the right tests for the right purpose with TestGorilla

While the Big 5 personality test is great for assessing broad traits in the workplace – like conscientiousness and emotional stability – it has limitations. It doesn’t give you insights into communication styles, workplace motivations, or cultural fit. 

That’s where alternatives like DISC, 16 Personalities, Enneagram, Culture Add, and Motivation tests come in. If you must assess how candidates interact, what drives them, or how they’ll fit into (or shake up) company culture, these tests might work better for you. 

TestGorilla offers all these tests, and each is created by subject matter experts, peer-reviewed, and tested on hundreds of knowledgeable quality testers.

But you should never use a personality test on its own to make hiring decisions. The best approach is a multi-measure approach, where you look at various factors in addition to personality – like soft skills, technical skills, situational judgment, role-specific knowledge, and more. This way, you gain a complete picture of every candidate and can hire the person who’s truly right for the job.

TestGorilla is perfect for this. With our platform, you can create a single, role-specific assessment using up to five tests. 

Explore the TestGorilla test library, book a demo, or sign up for a free account to see how TestGorilla can start improving your teams and growing your businesses. 


What is the difference between the Big 5 and the MMPI?

The Big 5 Personality test helps individuals, recruiters, and more assess broad personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. In contrast, the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) helps clinicians identify psychological disorders and diagnose mental illnesses. 

What is the difference between 16PF and Big 5?

The 16PF (Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire – not to be confused with the 16 Personalities test) measures 16 specific personality traits, including warmth, liveliness, sensitivity, and privateness. Meanwhile, the Big 5 Personality test focuses on five broad dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.


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