hometestsPersonality & culture

Universal Skills Profiler test

Summary of The Universal Skills Profiler test

The Universal Skills Profiler assesses a candidate’s competencies in getting things done, relating to others, and using their inner resources. This test evaluates 21 universal business, interpersonal, and self-management competencies and behaviors.

Covered skills

Focus on objectives (How you get things done)

  • Business savvy

  • Strategic perspective

  • Customer focus

  • Navigating complexity

  • Agile decision making

  • Embracing innovation

  • Planning and prioritizing

  • Organizing resources

  • Driving results

Managing one's self (How you use your inner resources)

  • Showing resilience

  • Navigating ambiguity

  • Self awareness

  • Self development

  • Earning trust

  • Being bold

Working with people (How you relate to others)

  • Working collaboratively

  • Social agility

  • Communicating effectively

  • Handling conflict

  • Valuing diversity

  • Developing others

Use the Universal Skills Profiler test to hire

All job roles. Use the Universal Skills Profiler to identify candidates who can deliver on objectives, foster interpersonal connections, and adapt their behaviors to reliably deliver exceptional results.

About the Universal Skills Profiler test

Finding the right people is tough. You need more than just technical skills; you need individuals who can adapt, collaborate, and truly thrive. That's where our Universal Skills Profiler comes in. It helps you look beyond the resume and identify the essential qualities that make someone a true asset to your team.

This test measures 21 key behavioral competencies—the kind of skills that actually predict workplace success. Workplace behaviors like how someone focuses on goals, how they work with others, and how they manage their own performance. In the test, the statements are broken down into three core areas: Focusing on Objectives, Working with People, and Managing Oneself. Candidates will rate themselves, per competency area, on a sliding scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.

The result? You'll discover a candidate's strengths, see where they might need some support, and understand how they can uniquely contribute to your organization. Easy-to-interpret reports help you identify high-potential employees and evaluate future-proof skills often missed by traditional methods.

The test is made by a subject-matter expert

TestGorilla’s tests are created by subject matter experts. We assess potential subject-matter experts based on their knowledge, ability, and reputation.Before being published, each test is peer-reviewed by another expert, then calibrated using hundreds of test takers with relevant experience in the subject.

Our feedback mechanisms and unique algorithms allow our subject-matter experts to constantly improve their tests.

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TestGorilla's Science and Assessment teams

TestGorilla's IP Development Center of Expertise and Science & Assessment Innovation Center of Expertise are responsible for the delivery of industry-leading talent assessment and test content, and scientific development and innovation across the TestGorilla product. The team comprises more than 10 organizational psychologists, data scientists, psychometricians, and assessment development specialists. Collectively, the team members have published over 150 scientific works and presentations, hold more than 15 advanced degrees, and draw upon almost 100 years of assessment and talent acquisition industry experience.

Reliability: Composite reliability = .93, with individual scale reliabilities ranging between .80 – .91 (N = 986).

Face validity: Candidates rated this test as accurately measuring their skills (average score of  4.11 out of 5.00, N = 986).

Criterion-related validity: Individual USP scale scores showed substantial to high correlations with self-rated and manager-rated performance scores (r = .21 – .37, N = 986).

For an in-depth look at interpreting test results, please take a look at our Science series articles:How to interpret test fact sheets (part 1): Reliability, and How to interpret test fact sheets (part 2): Validity.

For an explanation of the various terms, please refer to our Science glossary.

Reliability and validity

Sufficient data available to conduct analyses and checks

Analyses and checks conducted

Acceptable Outcome


Content validity

Face validity

Construct validity

Criterion-related validity

Group differences

Age differences




Gender differences

Ethnicity differences




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View a sample report

The Universal Skills Profiler test will be included in a PDF report along with the other tests from your assessment. You can easily download and share this report with colleagues and candidates.

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