This screening test helps you assess the technical competency of developers working with the Django REST Framework. It covers general DRF knowledge and goes in-depth on models, serializers, and views. This test helps you hire engineers developing APIs.
Models and ORM
General DRF knowledge
Companies looking for a back-end developer with knowledge of developing APIs based on Python and Django.
The Python/Django stack has become one of the most relevant frameworks for creating APIs. It is very powerful but has a fairly steep learning curve. Screening your candidates is, therefore, very important.
This test not only measures the candidate’s technical knowledge of the Django REST Framework but also gauges their judgment in various scenarios that mimic frequently-encountered real-world situations. Additionally, the test covers best practices regarding performance, code architecture, the API interface, and API documentation.
Some questions use range scoring. In that case, full points are awarded to the best answer, and some points are awarded to other answers that have some merit. This is relevant in situational judgment questions.
Some of the questions that are included are for highly skilled candidates as those questions address specifics of DRF that only very experienced developers will know. Therefore, candidates with a perfect score are true DRF wizards.
TestGorilla’s tests are created by subject matter experts. We assess potential subject-matter experts based on their knowledge, ability, and reputation.Before being published, each test is peer-reviewed by another expert, then calibrated using hundreds of test takers with relevant experience in the subject.
Our feedback mechanisms and unique algorithms allow our subject-matter experts to constantly improve their tests.
Computer engineer Carlos’ accomplishments go far beyond earning an International PhD in Engineering and an Executive MBA. He’s also backed by 16 years of professional experience as a full stack software developer.
For the last several years, Carlos has been focusing on Python, Django, Django REST framework, and Angular 2 to 9. Currently managing a team of 30 engineers, he spends the bulk of his time and know-how on the development of web and app ad-hoc software such as SPAs and APIs.
Reliability: Cronbach’s alpha coefficient = .61
Face validity: Candidates rated this test as accurately measuring their skills (average score of 3.58 out of 5.00).
Criterion-related validity: Candidates with higher scores on this test received higher average ratings from the hiring team during the selection process (r = .3, N = 181).
For an in-depth look at interpreting test results, please take a look at our Science series articles: How to interpret test fact sheets (part 1): Reliability, and How to interpret test fact sheets (part 2): Validity.
For an explanation of the various terms, please refer to our Science glossary.
Reliability and validity | Sufficient data available | Analyses and checks conducted | Outcome |
Reliability | ✔ | ✔ | Acceptable |
Content validity | ✔ | ✔ | Acceptable |
Face validity | ✔ | ✔ | Acceptable |
Construct validity | Pending | Pending | Pending |
Criterion-related validity | ✔ | ✔ | Acceptable |
Group differences | |||
Age differences | Pending | Pending | Pending |
Gender differences | ✔ | ✔ | Acceptable |
Ethnicity differences | Pending | Pending | Pending |
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