This GraphQL test evaluates a candidate’s ability to effectively work with, create, and maintain GraphQL APIs. This screening test will help you hire developers who can work with GraphQL on both the front and back end.
Type system and schemas
Validation, execution and introspection
GraphQL developers, API architects, software engineers, frontend developers, backend developers, and other roles that require strong GraphQLskills.
Developers can avoid over-fetching data by using GraphQL to receive exactly the data they require in a single request. They can optimize data fetching and reduce round trips to the server because of its flexible nature.
Strong typing enhances API documentation and discoverability while also assisting in the detection of problems during development. Frontend developers can use GraphQL to request the precise data they require without having to rely on backend modifications.
Because GraphQL enables subscriptions, developers can subscribe to the server's real-time updates. This is advantageous for tools like chat programs, real-time dashboards, or collaborative software that need real-time data. Developers can benefit from GraphQL's increased flexibility, performance improvement, improved teamwork, and improved developer experience.
This GraphQL test evaluates candidates’ abilities to use key GraphQL features, work with its type system and schemas, and perform validation, execution, and introspection within GraphQL.
This screening test will help you identify GraphQL developers who understand the ideas behind GraphQL and how to implement them correctly in realistic situations. Candidates who do well on this test will develop reliable, efficient GraphQL APIs.
TestGorilla’s tests are created by subject matter experts. We assess potential subject-matter experts based on their knowledge, ability, and reputation.Before being published, each test is peer-reviewed by another expert, then calibrated using hundreds of test takers with relevant experience in the subject.
Our feedback mechanisms and unique algorithms allow our subject-matter experts to constantly improve their tests.
María is a developer and security engineer specialized in auditing backend code that consume massive amounts of data. She has won dozens of bug bounties from testing large code bases like Apollo Server and React Native.
Her experience analyzing APIs for bad practices have given her an intricate knowledge of what makes a clean code base, and how to identify qualified developers.
Our screening tests identify the best candidates and make your hiring decisions faster, easier, and bias-free.
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