This React Native test evaluates candidates’ knowledge of the React Native framework. This test will help you hire React Native developers who can create, update, and maintain your React Native apps.
UI Development
React Framework
Native - Android/iOS
Developer Workflow
React Native developers
Some of the world’s most popular apps, like Facebook and Instagram, are built on the React Native framework. That’s because React Native enables you to build native mobile apps for both the Android and iOS platforms and cuts down development time significantly by using the same JavaScript code for both.
The React Native test assesses candidates’ knowledge and skills in the React framework, UI development using React Native, understanding native components for both Android and iOS, and developing good workflows.
This test will help you identify developers who can build native apps for you company using the React Native framework. Candidates who do well on the test can develop and deploy various types of components and plugins within React Native with ease and efficiency.
These candidates will be able to develop a new app from scratch and add features to existing apps, upgrade versioning, and fix any issues they may encounter during the development process.
TestGorilla’s tests are created by subject matter experts. We assess potential subject-matter experts based on their knowledge, ability, and reputation.Before being published, each test is peer-reviewed by another expert, then calibrated using hundreds of test takers with relevant experience in the subject.
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A software engineer by day who loves nothing more than experimenting with code in his downtime, Lukasz draws no line between work and play—for him, they’re one and the same.
A decade-long career path focused almost entirely on JavaScript and web development led Lukasz to discover his magic touch: developing hybrid mobile apps using React Native and Cordova. He regularly works on large-scale projects that reach hundreds of thousands of end users.
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