hometestsProgramming skills

Creating REST APIs test

Summary of the Creating REST APIs test

This Creating REST APIs test will evaluate a candidate’s technical knowledge and ability to follow generally accepted REST API standards, both for creating and implementing a RESTful API. This hiring test helps you identify engineers who can build scalable APIs.

Covered skills

  • Verb usage

  • Request structure

  • Response structure

  • Documentation

Use the Creating REST APIs test to hire

Software engineer, software architect, web developer, project manager, and anyone else that uses RESTful principles

About the Creating REST APIs test

This Creating REST APIs test will help you identify intermediate REST practitioners who can build and maintain scalable and efficient APIs. Implications for a strong API are significant and can be a difference-maker for successful web development.

This Creating REST APIs test understands strong and correct verbs as the foundation for solid REST API development. This hiring test explores appropriate verbs in a variety of contexts, including how the choice of a verb affects request types and request components.

When constructing a RESTful API for a business, it’s critical that your requests are structured in such a way that allows the server to remain scalable, without the need to increase the version of the API just to add a new feature. This screening test includes real-world scenarios and asks candidates questions about optimal requests using paths, data, headers, and bodies for different fact patterns and complications.

When consuming a RESTful API, it’s equally important that the server continues to function as expected when sending a given request, even if there are new features added to the same server. This hiring test allows candidates to demonstrate mastery through questions on HTTP response codes, dealing with errors and security considerations.

Candidates who score well on this test will demonstrate their knowledge on all things documentation. A skilled REST API practitioner helpfully and skillfully documents requests, responses, security, and server-related matters. This hiring test covers these topics and more.

The test is made by a subject-matter expert

TestGorilla’s tests are created by subject matter experts. We assess potential subject-matter experts based on their knowledge, ability, and reputation.Before being published, each test is peer-reviewed by another expert, then calibrated using hundreds of test takers with relevant experience in the subject.

Our feedback mechanisms and unique algorithms allow our subject-matter experts to constantly improve their tests.

Image of the subject-matter expert for this test

Patrick M-G

Patrick has over 19 years of experience as a software engineer, with deep experience in RESTful frameworks. He is a published author on API integration and development, as well as a successful businessman, having built, scaled, and successfully sold a web development agency.

He currently runs a new web development agency, and enjoys the flexibility and freedom of “vanlife” with his dog.

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