This Fundamentals of Electricity test evaluates candidates’ knowledge of the basic principles and topics of electricity. The test helps you identify candidates who can approach electrical circuits and equipment to troubleshoot or perform maintenance.
Basic electric knowledge
Electronic circuits
Digital logic design
Electric power
Electricians, construction workers, electrical maintenance personnel, line installers and repairers, power plant operators, and any other roles requiring a knowledge of the fundamentals of electricity.
Basic knowledge of electricity and electrical circuits, including series and parallel circuits and alternating and direct currents is fundamental. An understanding of these fundamentals of electricity can ensure that an electrician, technician, maintenance person, or electrical plant worker can safely and successfully operate or maintain electrical equipment, perform tests on machines, and troubleshoot electrical setups and equipment in a variety of settings.
This Fundamentals of Electricity test assesses candidates’ understanding of basic electrical principles, including basic electrical knowledge, electric circuits, digital logic, and electric power.
Candidates who perform well on this test will be able to operate and work on virtually any electrical machine and domain, as the underlying principles of electricity are the same. From household systems to industrial-level machinery to laboratory work, this test will ensure that candidates have the basic competency and electrical skills to carry out necessary operations and maintenance effectively.
TestGorilla’s tests are created by subject matter experts. We assess potential subject-matter experts based on their knowledge, ability, and reputation.Before being published, each test is peer-reviewed by another expert, then calibrated using hundreds of test takers with relevant experience in the subject.
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Anam has a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, and a Masters in Energy Engineering. Currently, She is enrolled in a PhD program in Electrical Engineering, and her research focus is on smart grids, renewables and energy management. Anam is also an instructor in the Electrical Engineering department of a reputable university.
When she is not busy with her engineering work, Anam loves reading about ancient civilizations, traveling, and experiencing the diversity of nature and culture.
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